I red most of Timothy Freke’s “Jesus and the Goddess” and found myself getting nowhere I really wanted to go, and was loosing the nice sense of “love” that I have acquired through my study of ACIM. So I have put “Jesus and the Goddess” in the cupboard for whenever, which may be never! Took another two weeks to get back in sync with my “love” state.
I am enjoying this “love” relationship that IS NOW, and do not want to sabotage it through some other philo-sophy tangent, so I askd the HS for help.
It really is a love RELATIONSHIP, and what happened some days ago proved this to me. I was reading a passage in the ACIM Text section (18:The Dream and Reality) and came across a portion describing the difference between a DREAM and TRANSPORTATION, which caught my attention as I used to be a searcher for the methods of inducing the OUT of BODY EXPERIENCE. The explanation of what this experience is is totally different from the other schools of thought I had learned and so ACIM had a moving effect on me bringing me to a strong desire for guidance while asking / praying (with tears yet again).
Reason I started searching those years ago was because I had such (guided) OBE experiences in my 20s and wanted more answers to the questions they caused within me. Of which only these past few days do I NOW understand why my searching has been so painful and frustrating from the multitudes of tedious theories and methods practiced.
Well the ACIM is all about “saving time” and I could have saved 20years if somehow I new this back then.
Never the less, my recent (guided) “transportation” experience was without doubt a most beautiful timeless moment to have experienced,…”melting into” ONE with “God” (God being a state not “a being” according to ACIM).
I am consumed with gratitude for this relationship experience and the lesson of “I Need Do Nothing”...a statement of allegiance, a truly undivided loyalty.”
Not much has changed on the “outside?” yet, still wrestling with illusions (fears) of the daily grind (situations) etc…
I got an email last week from an ACIM self professed guru, perhaps this sounds cynical, and maybe it is, but I count myself lucky to have gotten off to a good start with ACIM and come in through “the right door”, so to speak. You see just like there are many hundreds of religions (entrapping themselves in absolute and literal dogmas) and their break-away denominations repeating the same silly mistakes, so it seems that it is this same way of the same “ego” interfering with ACIM. The “ego” loves to divide (dualism) and keep the illusion of separation alive, thus with ACIM there have arisen different interpretations of the original, thus interpreters i.e. Master Teachers, Pastors and Gurus.
Now my reasoning is this: if I read my ACIM right, there is no need for an interpreter as the Holy Spirit will assist you toward truth…why do we need yet another “ego” involved? Yes, sometimes I want some person to talk to about aspects I’m reading, but I am glad that I seem to be directed to the right forum or website that has the explanation right there for me when I need it. I love the guidance in this!
So this email I received tells me this Master Teacher has been told by Jesus that JESUS will appear this weekend 8-10th Dec, to him and his disciples. And has asked for everyone to get there if they love him.
Perhaps time will show me something new about what I feel about these misguided people…and for now “I forgive him”, “forgive me too for my perception since it may well be distorted”. The book The Disapparence of the Universe has a good explaniation of this fragmentation going on…(see links), Looking forward to reading more in his latest book.
“A dangerous thing happens when a man discovers his own truth. … He no longer finds himself bound by the dogma of some body of thought that supposedly holds the keys to his salvation. He has fought his way out of the cage and earned his freedom. And no one who controls him or hopes to in the future wants to see that happen.” http://blairwarren.com/blog/
Had the joy of going to a John Butler Trio concert on Wed evening with my son James (13), I love his music even more now. The words of one song comes to mind that I will close this post with…”all I know is, all I know is, I LOVE YOU, and I LOVE YOU”.