Snakes Alive………
Well I am pretty blown away after reading Your Immortal Realty which is Gary Renards latest book. And I am more determined than ever toward a quest of upholding the integrity of ACIM in what ever way I can. One example of this being something I wrote in the previous (December06) post about the email I had received via a friend which included an invitation by one self proclaimed guru of ACIM who calls himself “Master Teacher”, now when I first red his name I smelt a touch of “ego” mixed in there somewhere, but after reading the whole email I smelt a rat.
Well, much to my surprise and my rat smelling ability being “ratified “ from what I red about halfway into Your Immortal Reality, Gary’s first hand experience with “Master Teacher” just blew me away. Not only were my first impressions confirmed but Gary had been pre-informed of his coming experience from his teachers Pursa and Artian, and of course the solution to the “attack” situation was what I call the golden key of ACIM – forgiveness! Forgiveness undoes the ego!
What this showed me is that there are a lot of mixed up users of ACIM just as there are an awful lot of mixed up users of all spiritual teachings in this “Dream”.
So, what else has been happening in ACIM
I was reading DU again and being amazed at how much I never saw in the first reading, And that seems to be what many are saying too, from what I see on the forums. It (the experience of ACIM) just gets better and better.
I feel honored to be in the ACIM community in these days and know that what we do to keep the message clear today will give longevity to an un-corrupted message for the generations to come and that as the course says “save time”. An overview of the mess the original teachings of Jesus got into not long after his transition and how screwed up they are today through the help of the ego should be a wake up call enough.